Course Details

Beginner Courses (40 hrs)

IICAE beginners courses provides you all you need to enter in industry working on that tool. Basically in beginner courses we focus on the tool tutorial and practice. Our main aim in this course is to provide all the knowledge requires to use the tool the course is equivalent to any other institute’s advanced course

Beginner Course on Creo Parametric

Introduction to the Creo Parametric Basic

Modeling Process

Understanding Creo Parametric Concepts

Using the Creo Parametric Interface

Creating Sketcher Geometry

Using Sketcher Tools

Creating Sketches for Features

Selecting and Editing

Creating Datum Features: Planes and Axes

Utilizing Internal Sketches and Embedded


Creating Rounds and Chamfers

Advanced Rounds and Chamfers


Swept Blends

Advanced Datum Features

Creating Patterns

Advanced Layers

Family Tables

Assembling with Constraints

Exploding Assemblies

Surface Features

Investigating Parent/Child Relationships

Capturing and Managing Design Intent

Creating Drawing Views

Creating Drawing Views

Creating Drawing Details

Creating and Using Component Interfaces

Replacing Components in an Assembly

Creating Layers in Assemblies

Understanding the Basics of Simplified Reps

Creating Cross-Sections, Display Styles, and

Combined Views

Introduction to sheet metal design

Primary walls

Secondary and unattached walls

Bend features

Unbend, bend back and cuts

Notches and punches

Sheetmetal forms

Unbending sheetmetal geometry

Frequently ask

The Fee varies in Taking multiple courses & Taking Admission in group for more details please Call us.
Please Read the article carefully you will realize we covers the most of the tool.
No! you should just have basic understanding of ED.

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Industrial Courses (120 hrs)

IICAE Industrial focuses on the industrial procedure for modeling and analysis of product the module consist of productivity tools, advance modeling tools and a practice sheet of industrial dead projects (live projects after signing NDA with company).

Industrial Course on Creo Parametric

Session 1 - Introduction and Application of Creo Parametric in Industries

Introduction to CAD/CAM/CAE

Features of Creo

Concepts- Modeling, Parametric, Feature based

Session 2 - Using Creo Parametric Interface

Selecting working directories

Managing and Eraging Files

Model display option and system colors

Session 3 - Creating Sketcher Geometry

Inference line, Centreline, Coordinate system, Point

Reviewing sketcher theory and Display

Sketching Lines, Rectangles and Dimensioning

Sketching Practice drawing

Sketching Circle, Arc, Ellipse and Splines

Fillet,Chamfer, Text ,offset Thicken ,palette

Sketching Practice drawing

Editing Features - Modify, Mirror, Delete Segment

Corner, Rotate and resize

Dimensioning Constraints and Dimensioning Fully define

Perimeters, Base Dimensions and Reference Dimensions

Dimensional Sketching Practice

Geomtrical Constraints


Coincidence,Symmetric, Equal,Perpendicular

Daubt Clearing and Practice sketching

Session 4 - Part Modeling Tools

Creating base feature’s

Datum display options

Datum Plane,Datum axis,Datum Point

Creating Sketch for 3D model and Sketch View

Convert 2D to 3D, Extrude Feature

Extrude Options, Types and Add tapper

Remove Material,Thin Feature

Creating reference planes and Selecting Contours

Editing in geometry,Use of Modal tree

Extrude Practice with 3D drawing

Creating Revolve Features

Selecting Axis, Thin Features and Selecting Contours

Remove Material and Revolve Practice

Creating Sweep Features

Practice and Daubt Clearing

Session 5 - Creating Engineering Features

Round Options-Full Round,Variable Round,Auto Round

Chamfer, Corner Chamfer

Creating Holes

Simple Holes and Standard Holes

Draft Features, Shell and Rip


Session 6 - Advanced 3D Modeling

Helical Sweep

Creating Swept Belnd and Blend Features


Dimension Pattern ,Direction Pattern,

Axis Pattern,Curve Pattern,Point Pattern

Reference Pattern,Fill Pattern,Table Pattern


Praeparing Industrail Live Project 3D Model

Session 7 - Assembly Features

Application of Assembly and Theory

Creating Bottom up Assembly Models

Import Model and Constraints of Assembly


Editing Of Assembly

Replacing of Parts and HideParts in Assembly

Exploding assemblies

Session 8 - Introduction of Surfacing

Introduction to Surfacing and Commands

Application of Surfacing in Industries

Session 9 - Sheet Metal

Introduction to Sheet metal

Flat, Flange and Bend,Unbend

Application of sheet metal Features in Industries

Session 10 - Drafting

How to Prepare 2D Drawing of 3D Component

Intro of GD & T

Frequently ask

No this course is not suitable for you as xyz company works only in sheet metal you need a deep understanding of sheet metal modelling and basis understanding in other tools i would suggest you to go in professional course
The Professional course focusses on application in industry and productivity tools rather than using basic tools
I would suggest you to go for industrial course

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Esteem spirit temper too say adieus who direct.

Professional Courses (200 hrs)


Frequently ask

Esteem spirit temper too say adieus who direct esteem esteems luckily or picture placing drawing.
Esteem spirit temper too say adieus who direct esteem esteems luckily or picture placing drawing.
Esteem spirit temper too say adieus who direct esteem esteems luckily or picture placing drawing.

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Esteem spirit temper too say adieus who direct.


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+10 267 3563 4562